The best thing to diversify is yourself.
In my previous life you could find me hanging out of a helicopter on life saving missions.
Today, I enjoy brainstorming and building projects that create a clean and simple user experience. Life can be complicated and a thoughtfully designed and crafted project can make a meaningful impact on a user.
JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Express, Redux, PostgreSQL, Sass, CSS in JS, and Bootstrap.
Full CRUD application for tracking flights. Users can create new flight followings and declare flights as landed. Tracks local time.
React, Node, Express, and Axios.
GitHubEmail marketing collaboration tool for small teams. Users can create new personalized emails using GPT-3. ECC also features real-time chat for collaboration and editing.
React, Firebase, CSS in JS, and GPT-3.
GitHubDebug Club is a group project for a coding bootcamp. Debug Club is a social media platform for developers to share their experiences and learn from other developers.
React, PostgreSQL, Quill, Framer-Motion, Sass, Redux